
Current Research News

Continuation Proposals

Corn Hybrid Yield Trials

Brad Burgess
Standardization of Mississippi Corn Hybrid Trials

Corn Storage

Don Cook, Tyler Towles, Whitney Crow
Management of Stored Grain Insect Pests of Field Corn

Crop Protection (Diseases)

Tom Allen
Evaluating the Mississippi State University Corn Hybrid Trial Program for Plant Diseases

Don Cook, Tyler Towles, Whitney Crow
Identification of Factors Contributing to Early Season Stink Bug Infestations in Field Corn

Crop Protection (Entomology)

Tyler Towles, Whitney Crow, Don Cook, Fred Musser, Erick Larson
Southwestern Corn Borer Monitoring Program

Extension & Research

Erick Larson, Whitney Crow, Tom Allen, Drew Gholson, Dave Spencer
Corn Verification Program

Jeff Gore
Delta Agricultural Weather Project

Whitney Crow, Don Cook, Tyler Towles
Evaluation of Insecticidal Seed Treatments in Field Corn

Drew Gholson, Erick Larson, Dillon Russell, Nicolas Q. Ashwell, Tsz Him Lo, Corey Bryant, Dave Spencer
Row-Crop Irrigation Science Extension and Research (RISER) Program

Extension Programming

Dave Spencer, Zach Reynolds, Drew Gholson, Erick Larson
Providing Irrigation Vision, Optimization, and Training (PIVOT)


Himmy Lo, Drew Gholson, Alex Deason, Andrea Simpson, Nicolas Q. Ashwell, Mary Love Tagert, Erick Larson
Wide-Skip Furrow Irrigation for Corn in Clay Soils: A Farmer-Led Revolution

Nutrient Management

Vaughn Reed, Jagmandeep Dhillon
Delayed Timing for Spring Application of N in corn

Vaughn Reed, Corey Bryant, Jagmandeep Dhillon, Michael Mulvaney
Evaluation of build-up nutrient management strategies for phosphorus and potassium

Vaughn Reed, Corey Bryant
Tissue Sampling as a tool for Nutrient Management in Corn in Mississippi

Planting Systems

Erick Larson, Dave Spencer, Jason Bond, Will Maples
Enhancing Compatibility of Cover Crops with Corn Production Systems

Jagmandeep Dhillon, Michael Mulvaney, Wes Lowe, Corey Bryant, Brian Mills
Increasing corn planting speed using off-the-shelf precision planting technology

Jagman Dhillon, Vaughn Reed, Tyler Soignier, Corey Bryant, Amee Bumguardner
Is it time to reconsider plant populations of top Mississippi Corn Hybrids?

Precision Ag Technology

Darrin Dodds, Madison Dixon
Evaluation of UAS Systems for Aerial Applications and Cover Crop Seeding

Corey Bryant
Fertilizer Response to Soil Sample Location within the Seed-Bed

Zach Reynolds, Dave Spencer, Brian Mills
Going LIVE (Large-plot Implementation Validation Experiment): Altering seeding and nitrogen rates as a function of CEC to optimize corn productivity and profitability at the farm scale

Corey Bryant
Revision and Validation of Mississippi State University P, K, & S Fertilizer Recommendations

Weed Management

Jason Bond, Erick Larson
Evaluation of Preemergence Herbicides Impregnated on Fertilizer in Corn

Taghi Bararpour
Weed Management Programs in Mississippi Corn: Companies Herbicide Programs as Compared to The Standard Program

New Proposals

Cover Crops

Brett Rushing
Cover crop, tillage and crop rotation effects on corn production in east-central Mississippi

Jagmandeep Dhillon, Erick Larson, Vaughn Reed, Rocky Lemus, Brett Rushing
Evaluating the potential of living mulch within corn production systems of Mississippi

Crop Protection

Sead Sabanadzovic, Nina Aboughanem
Corn Stunt Disease: An incoming threat for Mississippi Corn Industry

Steve Martin, Mark McConnell, Jason Bond, Tyler Towles, Don Cook
Estimation of Economic Costs and Implications of Potential Spray Buffer Requirements due to the Endangered Species Act Herbicide, Insecticide and Fungicide Label Requirements

Extension Education

Bill Burdine
Attracting the Next Generation of Ag Science Professionals

Julie White
FARMtastic: An Agricultural Literacy Program for Mississippi Youth


Zach Reynolds, Dave Spencer
Beyond Cover Crops and No-Tillage: Profitable and Environmental Practices that fit the Predominant Production System

Nutrient Management

Amee Bumguardner, Vaughn Reed, Corey Bryant
Does corn production benefit from biological products?

Precision Ag Technology

Madhav Dhakal
Investigation L-Lysine as a Supplemental Biosynthetic Nitrogen Fertilizer and Biostimulant in Corn under Rainfed Conditions

Madhav Dhakal
Quantifying Impact of biostimulant types on oxidative stress regulation, growth, yield, and soil health in corn production

Weed Management

Taghi Barapour, Corey Bryant
Corn Tolerance and Weed Management Programs to Preemergence and Postemergence Applications of Metribuzin (at various rates) as compared to Standard Program in Mississippi Corn

Luis Avila
Cover Crops for Ryegrass Management in Corn

Taghi Bararpour
Effect of Soil Applied Adjuvant (Grounded) on Residual Activity of Main Preemergence Corn herbicide on Weed Management Programs including Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth

Luis Avila
Herbicide Resistance testing program for Mississippi